Latest news

30/09/2024 - Goodbye to Paul!

We say goodbye to Paul. Having finished his Master's thesis with us, he is going on to do a PhD at Cambridge University.

Louie in a lab coat at EMBL

17/09/2024 - Louie at EMBL

Louie travelled to Heidelberg to attend the EMBO workshop on Synthetic Biology in Action. I (Alex) attended the first of these workshops when I started my PhD and found it to be a fantastic experience.

Mod graduation with Alex

05/09/2024 - Congratulations to Mod!

Congratualtions to Mod on her graduation. She is going off to York to do a Masters in Bioinformatics. We will be excited to see her progress.

games and pot-luck evening

04/09/2024 - Scheduled fun!

Once again, we got together to have some food and play games. Despite Alice perpetually avoiding being photographed, she somehow always ends up on the winning team.

fermenting rice

05/08/2024 - Some fermentation fun!

Casey is bringing the lab into the kitchen. She has been fermenting the first batch of (non-alcoholic) rice wine. We are all excited to see how it turns out.

bacteriocin publication figure 1

27/07/2024 - A bacteriocin expression platform

Jack and Linda, from the Barnes group, have published a paper on targeting pathogenic bacteria with bacteriocins.

Review figure 1

27/06/2024 - Review on Synthetic Microbial Communities published

All three PhD students in the group contributed to a review titled Synthetic microbial ecology: engineering habitats for modular consortia , published in the Journal of Applied Microbiology.

05/06/2024 - Engineering Biology at the Nuffield Council on Bioethics

Casey and I were invited to attend a workshop at the Nuffield Council on Bioethics. It was a fantastic opportunity to discuss the ethical implications of our work with a diverse group of experts, most of whom were not scientists.

30/05/2024 - Goodbye to Mod!

Today Mod gave her final project presentation and we bid her farewell.

UK synthetic biology delegation to USA

14/05/2024 - British delegation to EBRC

It was excellent to be invited to join a British delegation of synthetic biologists to the US. We had a fantastic dinner at the British consular residence in Atlanta, and a fascinating day with the faculty at Georgia Tech. Most of our time was spent attending the Engineering Biology Research Consortium (EBRC) annual meeting, where I was lucky enough to present some of our work on engineering microbial communities.

Schematic of the catabolism of ethanolamine by the ethanolamine 
												utilisation (eut) pathway within the bacterial microcompartment (BMC) 
												of E. coli Nissle 1917

13/05/2024 - New pre-print

Chania from Chris Barnes' group has a new pre-print on bioRxiv, looking at a micro-compartment in E. coli Nissle, that may be useful for future microbiome engineering applications.

Louie running a workshop at Goldsmiths University

08/05/2024 - Microbiolgy workshop at Goldsmiths

Louie was invited to introduce some students at Goldsmiths University to the fun of microbiology. They learned about our work in synthetic biology, and spent the day learning how to culture environmental microbes. It will be really exciting to see where their creativity will take these concepts.

30/04/2024 - Goodbye to Griffin!

Griffin has finished his thesis on using ABC SMC to design microbial communities, and we bid him farewell.

24/02/2024 - Gogec

It was a great pleasure to give a talk at the Gogec meeting. It's one of my favourite synbio endeavours, the organisers are fantastic and I'm always excited to see what the students come up with.

08/02/2024 - Scheduled fun!

We had a great time with a pot-luck and playing games. My proudest moment was obviously winning at Mahjong.

31/01/2024 - "Visiting" UCL ISMB

I was invited to give a talk to one of our sister departments, Structurla and Molecular Biology. It was wonderful to properly meet some of the people working across the road from us and share our research.

24/01/2024 - Lucia Marucci visits

We welcomed Prof. Lucia Marucci from Unviersity of Bristol to give a talk to the IPLS about her work on whole cell models.

04/01/2024 - Welcome Paul!

We welcome Paul Goodman to the group to work on his MRes Synthetic Biology dissertation. He will be working on minimising the innate interactions between our E. coli chassis and their environment.

Fedorec and Barnes group xmas dinner

05/11/2023 - Xmas lunch

We had a joint Christmas lunch the Barnes group this year. It was great to unwind a bit with everyone and to celebrate the end of an exciting year.

29/11/2023 - MathBio meeting

I gave a talk at the MathBio series organised by Philip Pierce. It was the first time in a long time that I could go into detail about our modelling approaches and get feedback from a group of mathematicians.

Louie, Alex and Casey enjoying a beer at a pub in Bristol

08/11/2023 - Synthetic Biology UK

We all went to Bristol for this year's SBUK conference. It has always been one of my favourite conferences, and is a lovely opportunity to catch up with friends and colleagues in the field. I had the opportunity to present the work that we recently finished up in Chris Barnes' group on spatial computing.

An antimicrobial peptide expression platform for targeting pathogenic bacterial species

23/10/2023 - New pre-print

Chris Barnes' group has a new pre-print on bioRxiv, that I helped with, detailing our work targeting pathegenic bacteria. We created a new platform for the delivery of antimicrobial peptides using engineered bacteria.

02/10/2023 - Welcome Renlong, Mod and Griffin!

We are very lucky to have three new students join the group for their final year dissertation projects.

25/09/2023 - Welcome Casey and Louie!

Welcome Casey Chen and Louie Destouches! It's really starting to feel like a research group now. I'm very excited to see what we can all achieve together.

CDB away day group photo

22/09/2023 - CDB "Away" Day

I helped to organise the department away day. We held it in a lovely space in the art nouveau Mary Ward House. As a relative newbie in the department, it was great to have the opportunity to meet everyone, put some names to faces, and have some fun.

Presenting in Leuven

11/09/2023 - Leuven Summer School

I was in Leuven to give a talk to students on a summer school for Design and Control of Microbial Communities. It was a fantastic few days, arranged by Didier Gonze, Karoline Faust and Leo Lahti.

24/07/2023 - Welcome Alice Cook!

Welcome Alice Cook as the first PhD student in the group. She will be working on self-organising cellular communities in collaboration with Katie Bentley at the Francis Crick Institute.

Presenting at Synbio Africa 2.0

12/07/2023 - Synbio Africa 2.0

I was honored to be invited to present at the Synbio Africa conference in Kampala, Uganda. It was a wonderful opportunity to meet many new researchers and hear about challenges that are unique to biological engineering in Africa.

Emergent digital bio-computation through spatial diffusion and engineered bacteria

07/07/2023 - New pre-print

We have a new pre-print on bioRxiv detailing our work with Chris Barnes' group on spatial computing. We developed a new digital computation platform using gradients of diffusible molecules that are interpreted by simply engineered E. coli.

Dinner at the Manchester Museum

05/06/2023 - Manchester Microbiome Modelling Workshop

I had a great time at the Microbiome Modelling Workshop orgainsed by Eriko Takano at Manchester University. Two days learning alot about soil and human microbiomes, genome scale and dynamic modelling, and a whole host of other things. The conference dinner was at the newly refurbished Manchester Museum - with a whale skeleton suspended above the dining tables.

09/03/2023 - Visiting the Ledesma-Amaro Group

I was very priveleged to be invited to give a talk to Rodrigo's group at Imperial College London. Their work in the area of microbial communities is excellent, and it was wonderful to have some time to talk science at seek his advice.

24/02/2023 - Visiting the Biocompute Lab

I had a fantastic day visiting Tom Gorochowski and the Biocompute Lab at Bristol University. It was great to find out what everyone was working on and to share some of our latest work.

15/02/2023 - What is the key challenge in engineering microbiomes?

I was asked to contribute a piece to a Cell Systems collection of opinions on the key challenges in engineering microbiomes. There are some fascinating ideas in there and it is a real privelage to be included alongside some incredible scientists.

Otim Geoffrey and Alex at UCL

20/01/2023 - Otim Geoffrey from SynBio Africa

I had a great time chatting to Otim about all of his work with SynBio Africa. It certainly seems like there's a lot to be excited about. But I don't know where he finds all of his energy!

18/01/2023 - Future food and drink

I attended a fantastic workshop organised by Miao Guo to discuss future innovations in food production with researchers from King's College London and the food industry.

03/01/2023 - Funded PhD positions available

I have two EPSRC funded PhD positions available to start in Autumn 2023. The first project is working with Chris Barnes to produce a new platform for the assembly of microbial communities. The second project is working with Mike Sulu to understand the limits of using microbial communities in future bio-industrial applications.

01/01/2023 - Hello world!

Today is the day I start my own research group!